Competitive tennis


The club boasts six teams in the East Hants Tennis League for this winter 2014/2015.

Ladies A (captain Helen Shelton)

Ladies B (Sue Hubber)

Mixed A (Helen Shelton)

Mixed B ( Clare Pegden)

Mens ( Neil Shelton)

Veterans (Women 50+, Men 55+  – Sue Hubber)

Our ladies are also in the Hants and IOW Ladies League during the summer season.


We are a socially active club offering plenty of opportunity for play. Mixed doubles tennis is played on Wednesday evenings and most Sunday mornings when members turn up and play with no need to book ahead. There is also a regular Tuesday morning mixed doubles group open to all members where a pre-booking system is used. A ladder is maintained, and we hold regular in-house tournaments throughout the year. The Milkwood Cup began in Winter 2013, and is now in it’s second season. In the summer, the club holds its Mike Hillman Tournament.


Sunday mornings; Commencing 10:00 am except on days with club tournaments.

Wednesday evenings; Commencing 18:00 Under floodlights.


Tuesdays, 09:30 until 12:00 noon, run by Sallie Smales with a limited number of players who must book ahead.  Please contact Sallie should you want to join in with this group.

The Ladder


CLUB tournaments

For details of matches and tournaments please contact our Club Captain, Clare Pegden

Telephone: 01730-894120
